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Weekly Report – 4 March 2012

I decided to change the name of this particular feature, because I wanted to do some more things with it. I felt as though I was limited to the old title (Odd Cents’ Favourite Posts). I’m also going to be looking at stuff that caught my eye, favourite posts and general happenings with this blog and my travel blog.

Favourite Posts of the Week

On Friday night I wanted to look for some new personal finance blogs. Since joining Yakezie, I’ve seen many personal finance blogs that I never knew existed. And what’s even more amazing is the fact that they are so different, each with a creative spin on personal finance.

My favourite posts for the week of 4 March 2012 are:

  1. 1. How To Budget For A New Car at The Jenny Pincher
  2. When Weaknesses Become Assets at Impulse Save
  3. Make Your Own Peanut Butter at A Beautiful Mess
  4. The Importance of All the Little Things You Don’t See at Cash Money Life
  5. A One Percenter’s 7 Best Financial Decisions at I am 1 Percent
  6. 3 Money Traps You Should Always Avoid at I’ve Paid For This Twice Already
  7. What Is Wave Accounting? at Finance Triggers
  8. Frugal-hacking My Way Through a Month Without Pay at Surviving and Thriving
  9. Financial Advice: The Preserve of the Rich, or Something For Everyone at Sterling Effort

Happy reading!

Yakezie Blog Swap

I participated in a Yakezie Lifestyle Blog Swap hosted by Andi of Meal Plan Rescue. The other participants in this swap were:

  1. 1. Andi of Meal Plan Rescue at Crohnic Illness
  2.  Jai Catalano of Jai Catalano Photography at Odd Cents
  3. Edward of If You Can Read You Can Cook at Simple Island Living
  4. Kris of Simple Island Living at If You Can Read You Can Cook
  5. LaTisha of Free Ticket to Japan at American Debt Project
  6. Justin of Crohnic Illness at Meal Plan Rescue
  7. D of Odd Cents at Jai Catalano Photography
  8. S of American Debt Project at Free Ticket to Japan

Blog Carnivals

One of my articles was featured in a carnival this past week. How To Talk About Money At Home was featured in the 1st edition of the Household Budgeting Carnival of Personal Finances!

Upcoming Events

Over the next few days to weeks, Odd Cents will be going through some design tests and changes. I’m in the process of upgrading the site to improve your experience. If you find that you are having difficulties, please email me at oddcents AT gmail DOT com. I’m also finalising a new series which is a spin-off of something that I tried earlier.

Giveaway Winner

I launched a rather low-key a giveaway at the end of February but I’m very happy and excited to announce the winner! The winner is S of Sustainable Personal Finance.

Guest Posts

This is a mini call for guest posts. I have some open slots coming up in very early April, so I am accepting submissions. Please contact me via the contact form if you need any more information.