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These Are The Days of Arbitrary Airline Fees

Travelling used to be a lovely past time for many people. But these days, booking a flight is a twisted game of hide and seek between travellers and arbitrary airline fees.

I found an airline fee chart at Fare Compare  which gives a pretty clear view of airline fees. As flyers, we are up against the proverbial “it.” I think that all of these airline fees are somewhat unfair. When you assess the situation, the planes are the same size in some cases; they are built more fuel efficient; and yet you’re paying much higher airfares with loads of fees tacked on.

Arbitrary Airline Fees

Remember those days when we did not have arbitrary airline fees? Those days are gone forever. Now, we are paying fees for:

  1. Luggage (Checked and non-checked luggage and ridiculous overweight charges)
  2. Meals and snacks (they are getting smaller and smaller, and pricier and pricier)
  3. Preferred seating (who decided that that extra leg room was a premium option?)


Do you remember the days when you were allowed two free pieces of luggage, with each being seventy pounds? And if you went over a little bit, you were not charged? I miss those days. Some airlines charge you up to USD $45 for your first checked bag and as high as USD $95 for the second checked bag. Carry-on bags seem to be a luxury and you might have to pay as high USD $45 on some airlines. Let’s spare a moment for exorbitant overweight fees.

Meals and Snacks

Airline food was not bad, especially on international flights by Caribbean airlines BWIA/ Caribbean Airlines and Air Jamaica (not too sure about Air Jam, but my bf thought they were the best). It was free! You could get a nice little meal that would keep you satisfied on your trip. Next time you travel to or from the Caribbean to North America, walk with your own snacks to go with your complimentary beverage.

Preferred Seating

All seats are created equal? Or are they? Economy, Business and First class seats are practically the norm on many airlines. But to further complicate things, there are some “premium” economy seats. I’m not sure about the science behind it, but it seems to be quite popular. For me, I’ll take a “free” window seat please.

Other Fees

There is a fee for just about anything you can think of. Other fees are telephone reservation fees; ticket change fees (which are usually non-refundable); unaccompanied minor fees and pet travel fees. Some online writers have joked that it’s only a matter of time before bathroom fees and luggage per pound fees are introduced. I never thought that I would have to pay USD $3.00 for a cookie, so anything is possible. Special mention must be made of Spirit Airlines, which takes the cake for fees. You have to pay to choose a seat; check-in at the airport; as well as for your carry-on bag.

My aim is to avoid the unnecessary costs. I always fill my bag with snacks that can last me through the entire flight. However, I am always prepared to fork out the fee for the second checked bag on my return to Barbados. When I book my flight, I take this into consideration and add it to the fare total. I do not care about headphones or over-priced beers. I just want to get to my destination safely with all of my bags, especially the ones that I paid for.