A couple Saturdays ago, my cousins and I went on a garage sale adventure. It was my first garage sale outing and I was excited. They had spent most of the day looking for and perusing garage sales. One cousin was trying to find some side tables for her bedroom, and she was looking for a good deal. When they got to my area, I was invited along for the ride to the last and final garage sale they were going to that day. Plus, I knew exactly where they were going (with my mother’s directions) so I was happy to tag along.
The garage sale was at a house where the occupant had recently died. On the main road there was a sign stuck to a car, which told us that we were in the right place. We found the correct house after a bit of confusion and we were soon inside. To say that the house was bare was an understatement. We were told that the sale was now in its fifth week and just odds and ends were left. At the end of it, our loot included a lamp and a fern in a hanging basket.
How to Shop a Garage Sale
From that first garage sale I can say that I learnt quite a bit. Here are a few tips that I picked up from my cousins on how to shop garage sales and get exactly what you want:
- Make a list of what you’d like to get from the garage sale
- Look through the newspaper for upcoming garage sales
- If possible, call the sale, to find out if they have what you’re looking for
- Make a list of the garage sales that you want to target
- Get clear directions of where the sales are located and plan your route carefully
- Avoid taking large money bills with you. I would suggest smaller bills, just in case the seller does not have any change
- Ask questions about your items, inspect them carefully and make sure that they work
Some wonderful items can be found at garage sales. I think that if I need any major furniture items, I will definitely try a garage sale. It’s also important to keep an open mind. If you see something in a colour that you don’t like, don’t despair. A little refurbishing can turn someone else’s junk into your treasure.