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How to Overcome Hard Times

I bought an Essence magazine last month and I have not read all of the articles as yet. This morning I took it up again to see what else I missed, and a small block of writing caught my eye. It read ” IYANLA VANZANT: How To Overcome Hard Times”. The article was about how to overcome hard times by “choosing joy” in the new year.

This article talked about having faith which is deeply rooted in a relationship with God. By having faith, you are believing that you can overcome anything and everything. It continues by explaining how our ancestors had faith and determination that came from within.

I’d like to add to this by giving a few of my tips that can help you to overcome hard times. I’m not a licensed professional, therapist, psychic, prophet, motivational speaker or anything like that. I’m just telling you what I do and what works for me and what I believe will work for me.

  1. Set goals – To make a long story short, you can’t go anywhere unless you know where you want to go. When you’re going through a rough patch, keep focused on what you want to achieve.
  2. Give it a try – When you’ve figured out where you want to go, decide how you will get there. This will not be easy. I can tell you that achieving goals takes a whole lot of will power. And when things are going horribly, it’s not the time to give up. It’s the time to try harder.
  3. Make a Plan B, C and D if necessary – If you try once and don’t succeed, try again. There is nothing wrong with setting alternate ways to reach your goals. These alternatives are especially handy in hard times when the traditional route is “blocked.”
  4. Be thankful for what you have and don’t have – This is just to reinforce that although you’re in a slump, you could be in a worse slump. Look back at everything that you’ve achieved and accomplished and the other hardships that you’ve overcome.
  5. Believe that things will get better – This pretty much sums up everything. In addition, to working to overcome your trials, you need to believe that you can overcome them. Staying positive goes a long way in reinforcing why you want to make things better.

 *** This post was featured in the Carnival of Financial Camaderie #15, hosted by Boomer and Echo ***