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Weekly Report – 13 May 2012

Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers and those who play the role of mother to their children and other’s people children.

Thank you for being the investor and providing the financial support to buy food, clothing and shelter for that child.

Thank you for being the accountant who made sure that that child received what it needed, even though the pay was not that much.

Thank you for being the ultimate musician by singing that child to sleep at night.

Thank you for being the chauffeur who took that child from Point A to Point B to Point C and back.

Thank you for being the housekeeper who cleaned up after and prepared meals for that child.

Thank you for being a doctor when that child was ill.

Thank you for being a psychologist and lending an ear when that child needed someone to listen.

Thank you for being the journalist and expressing your pride and joy to the whole world when that child accomplished something great.

Thank you for being the cheerleader when that child needs encouragement and motivation to do something.

Thank you for your love.

Favourite Mother’s Day Posts – 13 May 2012

Today is the 13 May 2012 and it’s Mother’s Day! It’s only right that I highlight some great posts about mothers.

  • Career Lessons From My Mom at Modest Money
  • Frugal Mother’s Day Ideas at Frugal Confessions
  • Mother’s Day for Daddies at Femme Frugality
  • Parents as Resources for Children at Family Money Values
  • 3 Things That Suck (Financially) About Being a Single Mom at So Over Debt
  • Cheap Things to Get Mom on Mother’s Day at Yes I Am Cheap
  • Mother’s Day Gifts I Really Want at The Debt Princess
  • 10 Frugal Mother’s Day Gift Ideas at Grocery Alerts

Happy reading!