Although we need money to buy the things that we really want, there are some things that money can’t buy. And even though money is critical to our survival, there are some things that are more important than money.
- Family
- Health
- Time
- Happiness
- Passion
Things That Are More Important Than Money
I chose these items because they are things that we often take for granted. It is very easy to get caught up with material things that can only do so much.
We often take our family for granted and only realise or miss them when they are gone. Can you imagine if you were the only person left in your family? Thousands of people face this reality on a daily basis through war, illness and natural disasters.
Your health determines what you can and can not do. By taking care of yourself, you have a better chance of enjoying life. Eating the right foods, exercising and avoiding harmful practices can be beneficial to your health. Also, dealing with and managing stress can also be beneficial to your health.
In a previous post, I mentioned that time is priceless and that’s why time is more important than money. It’s one of those things that can not be bought, so it should be seen as a precious commodity.
All rich people are not happy. Money does not make you happy. In fact, some people sacrifice their happiness to get money. I would prefer to be happy and surround my tings that make me happy that to have money and be miserable.
Passion comes from within and strongly determines the path that you take in life. It can simply be your urge to acquire something in life or achieve certain goals.
I’m sure that you can come up with lots of things that are more important than money. Leave a few examples in the comments section and say why you chose that particular thing.