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My Goals for 2012

The first mistake that people make when making resolutions for a new year, is by making unrealistic goals. My take on it is that you should make goals that you know that you can make. For example, if you know that for the whole of 2011, you made it to the gym three times, don’t make a resolution for 2012 declaring that you will go to the gym every single day. Instead, try to set goals for 2012 that are more realistic. So, you could decide to visit the gym once or twice per week.

I remember saying in a previous post that my only plan for 2012 is to continue what I was doing in 2011. But exactly what have I been doing in 2011? I came up with a list things that I’ve been working on and hope to achieve and accomplish in 2012. It’s not a difficult list, but I know there is a possibility that I will not get everything done and I might be back in the same place in 2013.

  1. Complete my MBA. I started in 2010 and I’m just past half-way. If things remain on track, I should be finished by September/ October.
  2. Make Odd Cents bigger and increase its popularity. To do this I have to write guest posts and interact more with other bloggers.
  3. Complete my Diploma studies. In addition to doing an MBA, I’m doing a Diploma. I started it years ago and I really should have finished it by now. I’m going to put it on hold until I’ve finished the MBA. So my next exam session will be in December.
  4. Start a tourism blog – This is still on the cards and I already bought a domain name to get started. I don’t want to reveal too much about this just yet, but I think I have a nice niche to jump in to. I will not be blogging everyday, but it will be loaded with great information.
  5. Save some money – I can not function without saving. This is a permanent line item in my budget and unfortunately, it’s the line that gets adjusted when things go awry. My goal is to establish a minimum savings figure and if I have extra money, sock that into savings as well.
  6. Create an income generator – I need to find a side hustle and I need it now. lololol.
  7. Exercise – I wrote a post about the benefits of walking a while ago. I take my dog for walks on a regular basis, but they’re more like strolls. I want to pick up pace and make it beneficial. I’m toying with the idea of swimming, but I haven’t quite made up my mind.
  8. Improve my time management skills – I’ve been trying to manage my time with all the tasks that I have to do. It’s working to a point, but I can get better. In 2012, this is a must, especially when I get the tourism blog going.

What are your goals for 2012? How do they measure up to your 2011 goals?